Die Friedenslage heute
Die Bundeskanzlerin bei der Bundeswehr
| Kanzlerin #Merkel besucht die die schnelle @NATO-Eingreiftruppe in
| Munster. Ein beeindruckender Einblick in die Arbeit der Soldatinnen und
| Soldaten der #Bundeswehr, die unserer Sicherheit dienen. #VJTF
| @BundeswehrInfo
| Deutschland hat dieses Jahr die Führung über die Very High Readiness
| Joint Task Force – kurz VJTF. Die Speerspitze der NATO ist eine schnelle
| Eingreiftruppe in ständiger Bereitschaft. Mit dabei sind Frauen und
| Männer der Luftwaffe, die ihre Kameraden am Boden aus der Luft
| unterstützen und vor feindlichen Angriffen schützen. Während der
| Informationslehrübung bei Munster macht sich auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela
| Merkel ein Bild von ihren Fähigkeiten.
| Politische Bemühungen, den Frieden zu erhalten kann man nur durchsetzen,
| wenn man gleichzeitig bereit für die Bündnisverteidigung ist, sagt
| Bundeskanzlerin #Merkel in unserem Interview. #VJTF #Bundeswehr #NATO
Ihre Rede in Munster:
| Wir haben politische Wegmarken gesetzt und Entscheidungen treffen
| müssen, die wir uns vor den Ereignissen in der Ukraine nicht so
| vorgestellt hatten. Mit dem, was wir dort erlebt haben, ist eine neue
| Situation entstanden, die die Verteidigung des Bündnisgebiets gerade im
| europäischen Bereich wieder zu einer Priorität hat werden lassen. Das
| heißt, neben den Fragen der Verteidigung unserer Sicherheit im Ausland,
| außerhalb des Bündnisgebiets – zum Beispiel in Afghanistan oder auch
| Mali –, ist inzwischen die Verteidigung des Bündnisgebiets wieder eine
| herausragende Aufgabe geworden – mit all den Folgen, die das hat, was
| die Schnelligkeit der Verlegung anbelangt, was die Interoperabilität der
| verschiedenen Streitkräfte anbelangt, was die technische Ausstattung
| anbelangt.
Größte Budgetanhebung seit Jahrzehnten Deutschland erhöht Verteidigungsausgaben kräftig
| Deutschland hat der Nato den größten Anstieg der Verteidigungsausgaben
| seit Jahrzehnten gemeldet.
| Die Bundesregierung rechnet im laufenden Jahr mit für das Bündnis
| relevanten Ausgaben in Höhe von gut 47 Milliarden Euro. Das entspräche
| einem Plus von mehr als fünf Milliarden Euro im Vergleich zu 2018 und
| einem Anteil am Bruttoinlandsprodukt in Höhe von 1,35 Prozent. Einen
| solchen Anstieg habe es zumindest seit dem Ende des Kalten Krieges nicht
| mehr gegeben.
| Mit den Zahlen hofft die Bundesregierung offensichtlich, den
| bündnisinternen Streit über die Verteidigungsausgaben zumindest eine
| Zeit lang entschärfen zu können. US-Präsident Donald Trump beklagt seit
| Langem eine unfaire Lastenteilung in der Nato und attackiert vor allem
| Deutschland wegen des vergleichsweise niedrigen Anteils seiner
| Verteidigungsausgaben am Staatsetat
Exclusive: U.S. Military Officials Say There Is No Actual Plan to Confront Iran
| The Trump Administration is turning up the heat on Iran, broadcasting a
| new plan to send as many as 120,000 U.S. forces to the Middle East to
| counter purported "identified, credible threats" from Iran.
| But in the world of the Pentagon, there are plans you present to
| politicians, and then there are real plans. And three U.S. military
| officials involved in planning and overseeing military forces in the
| region tell TIME that no actual, executable plan, or anything like it,
| exists for a large-scale troop deployment to the Gulf.
Ein zweites US-Raktensystem in Rumänien
| THAAD Missile Defense Systems Are Coming to Russia's Doorstep
| Moscow is not happy.
| he U.S. Army has deployed to Romania one of its seven Terminal
| High-Altitude Area-Defense missile-interceptor batteries. The deployment
| coincides with a shut-down of the U.S. Aegis Ashore missile-defense
| site, also in Romania, for a scheduled upgrade. ...
| But U.S. missile defenses for decades have been controversial in
| Russia. Moscow views American BMD systems as a threat to the global
| balance of power, as they, in theory, could render ineffective Russia's
| own nuclear-tipped rockets. In fact, most U.S. missile-defenses lack the
| speed, range and accuracy to intercept an intercontinental ballistic
| missile.
China Has Already Lost the Trade War
| The truth is that China really has very few options to retaliate against
| the trade sanctions imposed by the Trump administration. Outside of the
| traditional approach of a currency devaluation, there does not seem to
| be any way for it to make up for lost exports to the United States. Yet
| a devaluation of the yuan would also bring with it the danger of a debt
| crisis affecting heavily indebted public and private borrowers in
| China.
| "China needs the U.S. surplus more than the U.S. needs China's trade and
| finances," notes Spanish author and economist Daniel Lacalle. "And that
| is why the trade war will not happen. Because China has already lost
| it. China cannot win a trade war with high debt, capital controls and
| U.S. exports' dependence. A massive Yuan devaluation and domino defaults
| would cripple the economy."
Ob das stimmt?
You Can't Imagine World War III Between America and China
And the amount of blood that would be spilled.
| The Trump White House may still be basking in the glow of America's
| global supremacy but, just across the Potomac, the Pentagon has formed a
| more realistic view of its fading military superiority. In June 2017,
| the Defense Department issued a major report titled on Risk Assessment
| in a Post-Primacy World, finding that the U.S. military "no longer
| enjoys an unassailable position versus state competitors," and "it no
| longer can … automatically generate consistent and sustained local
| military superiority at range." ...
| This Pentagon report also warned that, like Russia, China is "engaged in
| a deliberate program to demonstrate the limits of U.S. authority."
| Hence, Beijing's bid for "Pacific primacy" and its "campaign to expand
| its control over the South China Sea."...
| With its growing resources, Beijing has been laying claim to an arc of
| islands and waters from Korea to Indonesia long dominated by the
| U.S. Navy. In August 2010, after Washington expressed a "national
| interest" in the South China Sea and conducted naval exercises there to
| reinforce the claim, Beijing's Global Times responded angrily that "the
| U.S.-China wrestling match over the South China Sea issue has raised the
| stakes in deciding who the real future ruler of the planet will be." ...
| Meanwhile, accurate missiles now provide the PLA with the ability "to
| attack ships, including aircraft carriers, in the western Pacific
| Ocean." In emerging military domains, China has begun to contest
| U.S. dominion over cyberspace and space, with plans to dominate "the
| information spectrum in all dimensions of the modern battlespace."...
| Weighing this balance of forces, the RAND Corporation recently released
| a study, War with China, predicting that by 2025 "China will likely have
| more, better and longer-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles;
| advanced air defenses; latest generation aircraft; quieter submarines;
| more and better sensors; and the digital communications, processing
| power and C2 [cyber security] necessary to operate an integrated kill
| chain." ...
| For years, prominent Chinese defense intellectuals like Shen Dingli of
| Fudan University have rejected the idea of countering the U.S. with a
| big naval build-up and argued instead for "cyberattacks, space weapons,
| lasers, pulses and other directed-energy beams." Instead of rushing to
| launch aircraft carriers that "will be burned" by lasers fired from
| space, China should, Shen argued, develop advanced weapons "to make
| other command systems fail to work." ...
| U.S. fighter squadrons worldwide are grounded. Dozens of F-35 pilots
| already airborne are blinded as their helmet-mounted avionic displays go
| black, forcing them down to 10,000 feet for a clear view of the
| countryside. Without any electronic navigation, they must follow
| highways and landmarks back to base like bus drivers in the sky. ...
| Every weapon begets its own nemesis. Just as musketeers upended mounted
| knights, tanks smashed trench works, and dive bombers sank battleships,
| so China's superior cyber capability had blinded America's communication
| satellites that were the sinews of its once-formidable military
| apparatus, giving Beijing a stunning victory in this war of robotic
| militaries....
| Without a single combat casualty on either side, the superpower that had
| dominated the planet for nearly a century loses World War III. ...
War with China
Thinking Through the Unthinkable
| War between the United States and China could be so ruinous for both
| countries, for East Asia, and for the world that it might seem unthink-
| able. Yet it is not: China and the United States are at loggerheads over
| several regional disputes that could lead to military confrontation or
| even violence between them. Both countries have large concentra- tions
| of military forces operating in close proximity. If an incident occurred
| or a crisis overheated, both have an incentive to strike enemy forces
| before being struck by them. And if hostilities erupted, both have ample
| forces, technology, industrial might, and personnel to fight across vast
| expanses of land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. Thus, Sino- U.S. war,
| perhaps a large and costly one, is not just thinkable; it needs more
| thought.
Zm Seebataillon
| #Soldaten des #Seebataillons sind in Den Helder zum Amphibious Basic
| Training mit dem Netherlands Marine Corps. Teile der Ausbildung finden
| auf #Texel im Ausbildungszentrum der @kon_marine statt, die anderen auf
| dem Landungsschiff der HNLMS Johan de Witt. @deutschemarine
Zum Abschluss: Irrsinn aus S-H